Mummy Zara's Calendar



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Sunday, February 27, 2011

~No. One Birthday Cake~

~Choc. Moist Cake + Tooping Buttercream + Filling Blueberry

Order dari Puan Rossaliza.. TQVM rossa..kasi bubur kacang..sedap ;) happy birthday AMin..

~Fondant cupcakes hantaran~

~Choc. Moist cupcakes + Topping Fondant~

Order dari Nurul Shafinas my return customer.. TQVM nurul ;)

~Upin Ipin Birthday Cake~

~Continental cake ( choc. sponge cake + fruit cream cheese ) 8"

Order dari Pn.Norzita.. TQVM

~Fondant Barbie Doll cake~

~Choc. Cake + Topping fondant ;)

~Order dari azura Faizal..sgt happy buat order this weekend..sume menjadi n customer sangat2 puas hati.. TQVM azura and husband.. Happy Birthday aleesya.. ;D

~Barbie Doll Cake & No.4 cake~

~Both choc. moist cake + topping Buttercream + Filling strawberry~

Order dari Era.. my regular customer.. katanya anak2 era orked n syasya sgt suka cupcakes auntie..hihi TQVM n Happy Birthday to syasya semoga jadi anak yang solehah untuk mak n ayah ye..

*me, husband n kids pg b'day party..fuhh laksa yg era masak sgt sedap..n buat saya teringat sampai hari ini..kekekek saya mmg hantu laksa okey.. TQVM again.. ;)

~MU cakes~

Choc. moist cake + topping Buttercream + filling Blueberry

TQVM kak maziah

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

~2 tier Birthday kek Angelina Ballerina~

Happy Birthday Siti Humairah, semoga jadi anak yang solehah untuk mak n ayah.. ;) sya tqvm juga.. ;)

~Black & White kek hantaran~

Choc. Moist cake + topping Buttercream + Filling Strawberry
TQVM Nurul.. semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan utk ke Jinjang Pelamin. Amin

~Kek untuk anak2 yatim sebelum deco with buttercream

Friday, February 18, 2011

~Anniversarry cake with Picture~

TQVM regular customer ;)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

~Kelas Basic Cupcakes 15/2/2011~

~Aida..sgt happy buat kelas dgn hang..hihi enjoy..lama tak jumpa kan 20 thn ada kot kan..hihi~
TQVM aida..hasil tgn pn sgt cantik.. ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

~Class Basic Cupcakes & Basic Birthday Cakes~Pn.Hasanah

~Date class 12 februari 2011~
Puan Hasanah dgn jayanya dapat menyiapkan kedua2 assigment..walaupun penat berbaloi2..hehe TQVM ;)

~Barbie Cakes~

sangat lah risau dgn anak dara saya yang sorang ni..hahaha kemana sahaja letak kek ni ade je dia kt tepi..hahaha

~Choc. Moist Cake + Filling Strawberry + TOpping Buttercream

TQVM Ita..order kek ngan fara.. ;) harap2 birthday girl suka..Happy Birthday Irdina.. ;)

~Disney Princess Cake~

Choc. Moist Cake +filling Blueberry+topping Buttercream

~TQVM K.Nooi..yang sentiasa menyokong perniagaan saya.. muaks2..happy Birthday baby comel from Auntie N Uncle zaimie~

~Ben10 Cakes~

~Choc. Moist Cake + Buttercream

TQVM Pn.Suhailiza order utk kali kedua.. ;)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

~Tinkerbell cake~

Choc. Moist Cake + Topping Vanilla

~Order dari Puan Wan Aslina TQVM~

~Orde dari Kak Zu~

2 tier fondant cake- mini Price for this RM120.00

Choc. moist Cake + Fondant

TQVM kak zu.. ;)

~Choc. Birthday Cake~

Order dari wanie..jauh mai nak rasa kek..huhu TQVM wanie ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

~Full roses cupcakes for Hantaran~

Vanilla Cupcakes + BC orange flavor
Order dari kak maria..TQVM k.maria, order lagi one set utk March nanti..Thanks again..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~New Flavor Cupcakes at Mummy Zara's Cottage~

fresh from oven Mummyzarascottage


Untuk tahun baru 2011 ni MummyZara'sCottage akan 'upgrade' koleksi2 kek n cupcakes yang sedia ada.. untuk pelanggan2 yang disayangi.. ;)

.:. New Flavor Cupcakes
~Vanilla Choc. Chip
~Vanila + Filling Bluebery/Strawberry/kiwi
~Strawberry + choc. chip
~Choc.Moist + choc. Chip
~Red Velvet cake & Cupcakes..

Gambar akan diupload dari masa ke semasa..nyummie.. ;)

Lots of Love,
Fara Othman

~Cake Hantaran full roses~

Choc. Moist Cake + Topping Buttercream

Order dari Che Ah..TQVM na..semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan hingga ke jinjang pelamin.. ;)


Hot MySpace Graphics at

Make Love Letters at
H/p. No.
Email Address:
Pickup Date:
Pickup Time:
KELAS BAKING DAN DECO Fondant Cake Deco -(RM450.00)
Basic Cupcakes class (RM350)
Birthday Cake Class (RM 350)
Tier Wedding Cake Buttercream- Fee (RM400)
Tier Wedding Cake Fondant- Fee (RM600)
Cupcakes Cupcakes S-16pcs (start from RM50) vanila/ choc. moist
Cupcakes S-25pcs (start from RM 65)vanila/ choc. moist
Cupcakes M-16pcs(start from RM65)vanila/ choc. moist
Cupcakes M-25pcs(start from RM75)vanila/ choc. moist
Red Velvet cupcakes S-16 pcs (RM60.00)
Red Velvet cupcakes S-25 pcs (RM90.00)
Red Velvet cupcakes M-16 pcs (RM75.00)
Red velvet Cupcakes M-25 pcs (RM100)
Cakes pricing: Birthday cake topping choc moist/vanilla with buttercream (start from RM75)
Birthday cake topping chocolate ganache (start from RM85)
Birthday cake buttercream with figurine (start from RM150)
Fondant birthday cake with figurine (Start from RM280)
Barbie doll cake deco with buttercream (Start from RM100)
Barbie doll cake deco with fondant (Start from RM 150)
Red velvet cake topping with cream cheese (RM85 per kg)
Mini Red velvet cake topping with cream cheese (RM45)
Rainbow cake topping with Cream Cheese (RM85)
Rainbow cake topping with Buttercream (RM80)
Mini Pavlova 16pcs (RM50)
Carrot Walnut Cream Cheese Cake(RM80)
Russian Black & White Cake 7"(RM85)
Choc. Indulgence Cake 8" (RM85)
Tutty Frutti Vanilla Cake 8" (RM85)
Strawberry Milk Cream Cake 8" (RM80)
Choc. Marble Brownice (RM 70)
Choc. cheese Borwnise topping with Ganache (RM80)
Choc. Brownise with salted caramel sauce & Choc Ganache (RM85)
Oreo Cheese Brownise (RM80)
Oreo Cheese Cake (RM70)
Blueberry Cheese Cake (RM70)
Pecan Butterscoth cake (RM85)
Choc. Sensation Cake (RM85)
Marveles Choc Cake 7'(RM120)
Red Velvet Pack'Long (RM20
Type of Topping (additonal Price) Butter Cream
Choc. Ganache (Please Add RM10)
Cream Cheese (RM15 for cupcakes/ RM20 for cake)
Edible Image Add RM25 Disney Cartoons
Own Photos
Special Request:- (Theme for birthday cakes or cupcakes)
Delivery service : Putrajaya Area (RM15)
Luar Putrajaya min order Price RM350 above bergantung pada lokasi dan kelapangan delivery man Mummy Zara TQVM

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