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Thursday, November 3, 2011

~Cake Day 2011 at Sri Pentas TV3~

Tempat ke 5.. oeky la kan hehe
Tgh Di Interview oleh org TV3 tak kenal name haha
Test dulu before nak interview :p

Orang kuat n supporter mama..hik hik..papa ngan arissa hilang pegi jalan2 kt area2 situ.. :) Fara Othman masuk Tv3 jugak la hari senin yang lalu hahaha klakar..jugak ler..ape2 pun mmg experiance yang sangat bagus..1st time masuk pertandingan ala2 besar mcmni..sifu2 cake pon ade aiyoo..baru nak request kelas time/year harus cuba lagi..dah tau cara macamana kan..Insyaallah kalau ade rezeki..hahaha Bom da bazzz..kekekeke Mood Happy

Psst: lepas kuar Tv ramai kengakwan tanye eh tadi pagi ko ek kat TV3..hahahaha boleh tak tuan empunya diri tak tau..huhu ingat kuar tghari..sekali pagi daa..kah kah kah


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KELAS BAKING DAN DECO Fondant Cake Deco -(RM450.00)
Basic Cupcakes class (RM350)
Birthday Cake Class (RM 350)
Tier Wedding Cake Buttercream- Fee (RM400)
Tier Wedding Cake Fondant- Fee (RM600)
Cupcakes Cupcakes S-16pcs (start from RM50) vanila/ choc. moist
Cupcakes S-25pcs (start from RM 65)vanila/ choc. moist
Cupcakes M-16pcs(start from RM65)vanila/ choc. moist
Cupcakes M-25pcs(start from RM75)vanila/ choc. moist
Red Velvet cupcakes S-16 pcs (RM60.00)
Red Velvet cupcakes S-25 pcs (RM90.00)
Red Velvet cupcakes M-16 pcs (RM75.00)
Red velvet Cupcakes M-25 pcs (RM100)
Cakes pricing: Birthday cake topping choc moist/vanilla with buttercream (start from RM75)
Birthday cake topping chocolate ganache (start from RM85)
Birthday cake buttercream with figurine (start from RM150)
Fondant birthday cake with figurine (Start from RM280)
Barbie doll cake deco with buttercream (Start from RM100)
Barbie doll cake deco with fondant (Start from RM 150)
Red velvet cake topping with cream cheese (RM85 per kg)
Mini Red velvet cake topping with cream cheese (RM45)
Rainbow cake topping with Cream Cheese (RM85)
Rainbow cake topping with Buttercream (RM80)
Mini Pavlova 16pcs (RM50)
Carrot Walnut Cream Cheese Cake(RM80)
Russian Black & White Cake 7"(RM85)
Choc. Indulgence Cake 8" (RM85)
Tutty Frutti Vanilla Cake 8" (RM85)
Strawberry Milk Cream Cake 8" (RM80)
Choc. Marble Brownice (RM 70)
Choc. cheese Borwnise topping with Ganache (RM80)
Choc. Brownise with salted caramel sauce & Choc Ganache (RM85)
Oreo Cheese Brownise (RM80)
Oreo Cheese Cake (RM70)
Blueberry Cheese Cake (RM70)
Pecan Butterscoth cake (RM85)
Choc. Sensation Cake (RM85)
Marveles Choc Cake 7'(RM120)
Red Velvet Pack'Long (RM20
Type of Topping (additonal Price) Butter Cream
Choc. Ganache (Please Add RM10)
Cream Cheese (RM15 for cupcakes/ RM20 for cake)
Edible Image Add RM25 Disney Cartoons
Own Photos
Special Request:- (Theme for birthday cakes or cupcakes)
Delivery service : Putrajaya Area (RM15)
Luar Putrajaya min order Price RM350 above bergantung pada lokasi dan kelapangan delivery man Mummy Zara TQVM

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